On a number of occasions in recent years, French police have used excessive force during assemblies. Under French law a...

The right of peaceful assembly is not generally respected in Gabon. Security forces often use excessive force to disperse protests...

The right of peaceful assembly is being better respected in The Gambia, but protests are still liable to forcible dispersal...

Georgia generally respects the right of peaceful assembly, but sometimes protests are forcibly dispersed by the police.

The right of peaceful assembly is generally respected in Germany. Notification 48 hours in advance is required for outdoor assemblies in...

The right of peaceful assembly is constitutionally guaranteed and generally respected in Ghana. Notification not authorisation is required to hold...

The right of peaceful assembly is generally respected in Greece. On a number of occasions in recent years, however, Greek...

Freedom of assembly is constitutionally guaranteed in Grenada, and the right of peaceful assembly is generally respected in practice.

The right of assembly is constitutionally guaranteed in Guatemala. There is a notification procedure for assemblies though it is not...

A notification regime exists for assemblies in Guinea. Protests are often forcibly dispersed by the police, including by unlawful use...

The right of peaceful assembly is limited in Guinea-Bissau. Protests are often forcibly dispersed by the police.

Guyana has improved its respect for the right of peaceful assembly in recent years. It operates a notification regime for...
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