The Right of Peaceful Assembly

Everyone has the right of peaceful assembly under customary and treaty-based human rights law. Restrictions on the exercise of the right must comply with the principles of legality, necessity, and proportionality.

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In Focus


Peaceful protesters were targeted with lethal force by state agents in violation of international law in protests in 2019.

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Sudan should ensure the right of peaceful assembly is respected and protected and that police use of force is restricted as international law requires.

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In Focus

South Africa

South Africa should restrict use of firearms during assemblies in accordance with international law and protect the rights of human rights defenders to freedom of peaceful assembly.

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Latest News

Kazakh President issues shoot to kill order

In January 2022, the President of Kazakhstan issued a shoot to kill order against protesters, a serious violation of international law.

At least 38 people were killed in Myanmar on 3 March 2021 in what the UN described as the bloodiest day since the coup took place a month ago.

UN envoy to Myanmar Christine Schraner Burgener said there was shocking footage coming out of the country. Witnesses said security forces opened fire with rubber and live bullets.

Many States have derogated from the right of assembly due to COVID-19

Numerous States have derogated from their respective treaty obligations to respect and protect the right of assembly owing to the COVID-19 Pandemic and many are banning all public gatherings for a period of weeks or even months.
